Council Meeting Date: 28 October 2013, 6pm, Filesize: 544mb
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Disclosures of Interest (0:34) Petitions and Presentations (2:05) Confirmation of Minutes (3:52) Public Access Forum (4:14) ITEM A - Lord Mayoral Minute - Coal Seam Gas Mining - Drinking Water Catchments (27:58) ITEM B - Notice of Motion - Councillor Crasnich - Postponement of Construction of Joes Bay Boardwalk (46:38) ITEM C - Matter Laid on the Table 9 September 2013 - Revised Graffiti Management Policy (91:35) Call of the Agenda - Items 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 (93:53) ITEM 1 - Draft Planning Proposal for Brickyard Point Headlands Hotel (95:09) ITEM 3 - Keira Street Precinct Master Plan (144:21) ITEM 4 - Wollongong City Centre Access and Movement Strategy 2013 (163:28) ITEM 5 - Exhibition of Grand Pacific Walk Masterplan and Stage One Implementation Plans (181:09) ITEM 7 - Fraud and Corruption Control Plan (210:07)
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